The Power of Your Aura

  Community Ed Winter 2025
  6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  East Senior
  Richard D'Angelo

CLICK HERE to Register for this Class


Tuesday, February 10
6:00 - 9:00 PM


Many people already know what the aura is - an energy field that surrounds every person.  But few are aware of the power this energy field has to affect one’s life.  Fewer still understand the effect this energy has on other people.

In this class we will examine what determines the frequency of the aura, how it can change, and the power it has to influence events in our lives.  Through various exercises we will also learn how to measure, feel, receive, send, and even see this energy with your own eyes!  Finally, we will learn how to use this energy to ward off the negative energy of others.

Come and join us for a fun, information-packed evening you won’t soon forget.